Greetings! This site is a part of my response to God’s call in my life, and was initiated by a need to continue being a church community during the era of on-again/off-again social distancing that has been COVID. The urgent need for it has passed, but it remains a way for me to connect to the wider world.
If you’re looking for ways to connect with God as a family, or if you’re seeking resources for deepening your own spiritual walk, take a look around. You’ll find opportunities to join in praying the Daily Office of Morning Prayer, learn techniques for praying both with and without The Book of Common Prayer, and more. The contact page begs you to ask questions.
I currently serve as Assistant Rector at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Corpus Christi, Texas, where my ministry is focused on young families, and I also serve as chaplain to Saint James Episcopal School.
My passion in ministry is the conversation: sharing and talking about God as He is revealed in Christ, through Scripture, in creation, and within the people who worship Him. As I see it: In Him we know—as one of my favorite prayers puts it—that all this life is gift and “all this gift is pilgrimage.”
I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and I am a “cradle-Episcopalian.” Before heading off to seminary, I was a firefighter, ski patroller, fly fishing guide, and a teacher—all high energy pursuits driven by a deep call to service. My wife, Claire, and I have a daughter, a son, and a golden retriever, and together we take joy in all this gift He provides.